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Address (including post code): Phone Number (no spaces): Artiste Name: Artiste Date of Birth: Artiste Gender: Artiste Eye Colour: Artiste Hair Colour: Artiste Shoe Size: Artiste Height (cm): Clothing Size: Ethnicity: Please choose *Acting and/or Modelling: ActingModellingBoth *(Please note that Acting includes TVC's, Online Video adverts and Feature films) Please choose area of representation: NorthSouthBoth Are you a member of Spotlight? YesNo If so, please provide your PIN Previous Experience (if any): Upload Photos (5 photos - max 3mb each) Please include *4 headshots and 1 full length shot *Please note that all pictures should be on a plain background in good natural daylight and looking directly to the camera. No filters, dummies, hats or sunglasses etc. Please prove you are human by selecting the plane.